
配音员的吐字清晰有一定的技巧 The voice actors are articulate clearly and have certain skills

2022-01-13 10:48:52

  In dubbing creation, in order to make pronunciation accurate, clear and beautiful, dubbers will use some effective techniques. Next, let's learn the following tricks:
  Oral state adjustment and action process processing of speech, that is, static control and dynamic control of speech. When dubbing, the natural normality of each part of the oral cavity needs to be adjusted appropriately to meet the needs of dubbing and pronunciation. In the natural and normal state of various parts of the oral cavity, some are common to ordinary people, and some people speak with a regional accent, resulting in slurred pronunciation. The reason may be the influence of physiological factors or habitual factors.
  In this case, a detailed analysis is required. It is necessary to adjust the oral state in a targeted manner without enforcing consistency, and oral control methods commonly used in dubbing and articulation include the soft palate, tooth opening, proper lip retraction, and midline-focused articulation. Dubbing and articulation should focus on the midline of the mouth, which needs to be controlled throughout the articulation process.
  Most digital sounds need to use this key when they are pronounced. Language work in front of a microphone is not the same as pronunciation on stage or on screen. While it requires clear and powerful articulation, it doesn't need to be loud.
  In dubbing practice, focusing on the middle line of pronunciation is an effective way to keep the intensity of pronunciation at a low volume. In the process of pronunciation, the difference of consonants mainly depends on the components of the upper and lower articulators and the way of pronunciation, and the difference of vowels mainly depends on the height of the tongue, front and rear, lip shape and other factors.
  When dubbing, the voice actor should always pay attention to the relationship between pronunciation and expression. Articulation is a tool of expression, and the perfection of articulation cannot be simply pursued. In pronunciation and pronunciation training, dubbers should pay attention to their flexibility, so as to master oral control skills and truly contribute to the expression of dubbing.
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